Salesforce vs Zoho - Which CRM Offers Better Sales Forecasting?

October 28, 2022

Salesforce vs Zoho - Which CRM Offers Better Sales Forecasting?

When it comes to Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software, it can be tough to decide which platform to choose. There are endless options out there, each with their own benefits and drawbacks. One of the most important features of any CRM system is the ability to forecast sales. This allows businesses to make informed decisions, allocate resources, and keep track of their bottom line.

In this article, we’re going to compare two of the most popular CRM systems on the market: Salesforce and Zoho. Both offer advanced sales forecasting features, but which one is better? Let’s take a closer look.


Salesforce is one of the most recognizable names in the CRM space. It’s used by thousands of businesses across the world, from small startups to large enterprises. Salesforce offers a number of powerful sales forecasting features that make it a popular choice among sales teams. Here are some of the highlights:

Forecast Reports

Salesforce offers a number of visualization tools to help sales teams forecast sales. Forecast reports provide real-time insights into current and future sales trends, helping teams make informed decisions. The platform also offers custom forecasting options, allowing businesses to create their own customized reports.

Opportunity Management

Salesforce’s opportunity management feature allows sales teams to track each stage of the sales process. This helps teams understand where they are in the sales funnel and what needs to be done to move deals forward. The platform also offers a number of automation features to help teams stay on top of their opportunities.


Salesforce integrates seamlessly with a number of other tools and platforms, such as marketing automation software, social media channels, and e-commerce platforms. This makes it easy for businesses to manage all aspects of their sales pipeline from one central location.


Zoho is a lesser-known CRM system that’s rapidly gaining popularity. It’s ideal for smaller businesses that need a cost-effective, all-in-one solution for managing their sales pipeline. Zoho’s sales forecasting features are some of the best on the market. Here are some of the highlights:


Zoho offers a number of powerful analytics tools to help businesses forecast sales. Its AI-powered analytics engine provides real-time insights into current and future trends, allowing teams to make informed decisions. The platform also offers custom forecasting options and the ability to create custom reports.

Pipeline Management

Zoho’s pipeline management feature allows sales teams to track their sales pipeline from lead generation to deal closure. Each stage of the sales process can be documented, and teams can set reminders and tasks to keep the pipeline moving forward.

Mobile App

Zoho’s mobile app allows sales teams to manage their sales pipeline on-the-go. The app provides real-time updates on deals, tasks, and reminders, allowing teams to stay on top of their pipeline no matter where they are.


Both Salesforce and Zoho offer powerful sales forecasting features, but which one is better? Let’s take a look at the numbers:

Feature Salesforce Zoho CRM
Forecast Reports 4/5 5/5
Opportunity Management 5/5 4/5
Integration 5/5 4/5
Analytics 4/5 5/5
Pipeline Management 5/5 4/5
Mobile App 4/5 5/5

Overall, Zoho CRM seems to have a slight edge over Salesforce when it comes to sales forecasting. However, it’s important to note that both platforms offer excellent features and choosing between the two will ultimately come down to your business needs and budget.


Sales forecasting is an essential component of any CRM system. Both Salesforce and Zoho offer powerful features to help businesses stay on top of their sales pipeline. While Zoho CRM seems to have a slight edge when it comes to sales forecasting, both platforms are worth considering. Ultimately, it’s important to thoroughly research each platform and choose the one that best fits your business needs.


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